What Is Endpoint Security Management and Why Do You Need It?

endpoint security

Cybersecurity continues to become an increasingly important aspect of security, regardless of which business sector you’re operating in. Figures from 2020 show that cyber crimes have risen to a higher level in terms of frequency and disruption than ever before.

It pays to know some of the key areas of concern when you’re thinking about the security of your company. One such question, which we’re going to answer today, is ‘what is endpoint security?’

We’re going to outline what exactly an endpoint is, alongside some examples of endpoint devices. Then, we’ll explain what endpoint security is itself, and how endpoint management can help protect your business.

What is an Endpoint?

To understand what endpoint security is, you first need to know about endpoint devices. As the name suggests, an endpoint is anything that interacts with a network at the endpoint of a connection.

There are a number of notable examples of endpoint devices that are important to understand when considering digital security. This is particularly important in today’s day and age, where remote working continues to increase.

Essentially, an endpoint is any device that communicates with a network. That means that laptops, when connecting to a Wi-Fi connection, are considered an endpoint device.

Mobile phones and laptops are also considered endpoint devices. This is the case when connecting with a public network, or a private network.

As long as a device communicates with a network, to access the internet or collect data, it’s considered an endpoint.

Endpoints can also comprise of things you might not otherwise consider. A key example of this is an external server itself.

Because an external server has to communicate with the main network, it’s also considered an endpoint.

Now that you know what endpoints are, let’s outline what endpoint security itself is.

What is Endpoint Security?

Endpoint security is the process by which endpoint interaction with the main server is kept safe. It’s a form of cybersecurity that makes sure any external devices are unable to infiltrate a network.

This type of cybersecurity can come in many different forms thanks to the diverse nature of endpoints. For example, the use of certain anti-virus protection software is a certain type of endpoint security.

This is because anti-virus software monitors external infiltration onto your network before alerting the user and preventing access.

Another common type of endpoint-security is known as endpoint detection and response. This is where entry by an endpoint is flagged by a network.

This may be through a password protection method, or through an alternative form of software. Once an endpoint has been assessed by a network, a suitable response is triggered.

If a password is incorrect, or a network is unsure about a certain potential endpoint, it will be denied access. This can then be reviewed by a cybersecurity staff member or an outsourced IT company.

Many endpoint security measures also fall into the category of Internet of Things (IoT) security. This is because endpoints are all in some way connected to the IoT.

If you’d like to find out more about endpoint security, check here for more info.

Now that you know what endpoint security is, let’s highlight some of the key ways in which it’s important for your business.

Endpoint Security Protects Your Company From Cybercrime

The first, and most obvious benefit of endpoint-security is that it protects your business from cybercriminals. Often, hackers and other cybercriminals will not have immediate access to your network.

Because of this, they need to find an entry point before they can work to steal your data or commit other crimes. An endpoint is a key way in which criminals are able to infiltrate your network.

That means that without suitable endpoint security, you have no way of blocking this access. By securing your network at the endpoints, you’re securing the furthest part from the core of your network.

Think of it as a way of expanding a castle’s walls. The further out your defenses stretch, the less likely it is that an infiltrator is able to reach the important parts of your network.

Without suitable endpoint security, your network could be at significant risk.

Other Notable Benefits of Endpoint Security

There are other significant benefits of endpoint security that expand beyond keeping your network safe.

For example, endpoint security allows you a large amount of data, when integrated properly. This is because all endpoints trying to access your server will be monitored and assessed.

It provides you with a heightened level of visibility over your business processes. You’re able to see how your server is being used, and by who.

You’re then able to utilize this data in a number of ways. You can use it to assess your other cybersecurity measures, for instance. Or, you can use it to assess which devices are most commonly accessing your servers.

Another benefit of endpoint security is the fact that it operates in real-time. That means that you’re able to relax in the knowledge that security responses occur 24/7, and are immediate.

This kind of real-time response is crucial to catching a potential infiltration in a network. If a security procedure isn’t immediate, then a criminal has more time to potentially steal your data.

Finally, the right use of endpoint security allows you to optimize your business operations. You’re able to rely more on remote work or collaborative tools that would otherwise be unsafe without this security.

This can help improve the productivity of your employees and your business. In doing so, your company is able to profit from the network security provided by endpoint security policy improvements.

Where Can I Find Out More About Endpoint Security?

Now that you’ve read through this post, you shouldn’t ever find yourself asking what is endpoint security again. But there’s a lot more to understand when it comes to endpoint security.

There are a number of approaches that we’ve not covered in this post.

If you’d like to read more about cybersecurity and technology, make sure to read through some of our previous posts.

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