Snapshot of What Is Driving the Demand for Data Science Jobs

Data science training

If you are looking for a data science job it’s important that you know what is driving the fast-growing market. Data science training and machine learning projects are now entering every business with 2.5 million gigabyte data every day. Today, the main goal of the Data science training applied to organizations is to identify and analyze the key challenges and barriers faced by the industry to maximize data science opportunities and capabilities.

So, what’s the true state of Data Science and how it stands to change the paradigm of technical jobs in 2019-2020?

Top Applications of Data Science Technology

By 2020, these applications would be the top of the stack deliverables of data science technology.

–         Internet of Things (IoT)

–         Deep Learning and Dark Data

–         Cloud Machine Learning (ML)

–         Computer Vision

–         Blockchain and Crypto ATM

–         Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality (AR/VR/MR)

As data computation amplifies as an effort to continue to scale and offer additional end-to-end data science capabilities, global companies would make significant investments in the top six industries  — Financial, Healthcare, Insurance, Manufacturing, Computer science and IT, and Robotics.

To handle the large volume of Big Data, organizations need analysts that have experience in Machine Learning algorithms, deep learning and predictive intelligence analytics.

According to a recent report, 88% of the global organizations have a strategic plan to develop and sustain a dedicated Data Science training and research team. This includes businesses marketing and selling to healthcare, pharmaceutical, academia, business intelligence and manufacturing sectors. In addition to the above mentioned sectors, 20% of the data science training is also dedicated to three branches within Data Management segments –

o   Data Safety Regulations

o   Customer and Social Media Data Intelligence

o   Standardization of databases, and company silos

If you are growing your data science skills and data management expertise within the business community with a training and certification course, you have 90% higher chances of doubling salary in the next 3 years.

According to a report on the impact of Data science talent on entry-level jobs in the world, nearly two-thirds of the Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in the top-100 companies expect a shortage of employees in Big Data, AI and data science analytics departments.

Give me the Skills, Please

So, what skills should a data science professional train in?

Most course guides would give you a clichéd answer here. In this article, we hash out the trends and give you a clear prerogative on programming, AI, machine learning and research development.

In 2019, Python programming language is the most sought after skill for data science development. 90% of the programmers are vouching for additional skills in data visualization and data reporting tools, including SAS analytics, Tableau, and TensorFlow.

Companies with visionary and leadership position in the Data science industry validate this skill sets. In the era of AI and machine learning projects, experience and certification in these programming languages enable individual and organizations to accelerate their data management capabilities. 

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