Top Security Measures to Follow When Moving into a New Home


Moving into a New Home

Moving into a new home can be an exciting experience, but ensuring that your new abode is a safe and secure place to live is essential. Unfortunately, burglaries and home intrusions are pretty common these days, and taking appropriate security measures to protect your home and family is vital. Here are some top security measures you can follow when moving into a new home.

Change all the locks

While you’re probably excited to start decorating and making this space your own, there’s one essential task that you simply cannot overlook: changing all the locks. This step is vital when moving into a new home, and it’s not just to prevent previous occupants from gaining access. It’s also crucial to ensure your safety, as you never know who might have a copy of the old keys.

rim cylinder is an excellent choice for securing your doors, as it’s tamper-resistant and provides added security. So, before you spend an evening binge-watching your favorite show, make time to ensure your new abode.

Install outdoor lighting

Dark areas around your home can provide a perfect hiding place for intruders. Installing outdoor lighting around your home can help illuminate dark spots, making it difficult for burglars to hide. Motion-sensor lights are a good option as they turn on automatically when someone approaches your home.

In addition, you can also install window-activated lights that turn on when someone opens a window. This helps alert neighbors of suspicious activity and deters burglars from entering your home.

Secure your doors and windows


Doors and windows are the primary entry points for intruders, and it is essential to ensure they are secured. Install deadbolts on all exterior doors, and reinforce all weak points, such as the glass panels on doors or windows. You can also consider installing additional security devices, such as door stoppers and window locks.

Moreover, ensure you keep all your doors and windows locked at all times, even at home. This is essential for ensuring your safety.

Invest in a security system

Installing a home security system is one of the best investments you can make. Not only will it give you peace of mind, but it can also deter burglars and protect your loved ones from potential threats. Here are why you should consider getting a home security system for your new home.

Protect Your Property

A home security system can help protect your property from theft, vandalism, and other forms of damage. With a security system, you can feel confident that your home is being monitored 24/7. If someone tries to break in, the alarm will go off, and the authorities will be notified. Also, some security systems come equipped with security cameras to help catch any potential burglars.

Keep Your Loved Ones Safe


Aside from protecting your property, a home security system can keep your loved ones safe. The system’s sensors can detect intruders, fire, and carbon monoxide. It can quickly alert the authorities, and you can also be notified via your smartphone. You can also opt for a medical alert button, which is especially useful for seniors living alone.

Lower Your Insurance Premiums

By installing a security system, you’re sending a message to your insurance company that your home is less risky to insure. This can result in lower insurance premiums, saving you money in the long run. It’s always a good idea to check with your insurance provider to see if they offer any discounts for having a security system.

Remote Access

Most home security systems nowadays have a companion app that allows you to monitor your home even when you’re away. You can arm and disarm the system, view live camera feeds, and receive notifications when something unexpected happens. It’s like having a personal security guard you can check in on from anywhere.

Final Thoughts

Moving into a new home is an exciting time, but it is essential to prioritize your family’s safety during the move. By following these top security measures, you can ensure that your new home is a secure and safe place to live. Remember to change all the locks, install a home security system, install outdoor lighting, secure your doors and windows, and maintain anonymity while settling in. Following these tips lets you have peace of mind and enjoy your new home.

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