Medical Treatments To Remove Scars

No Scars Face Wash

When the scar appears on the face it can mount to a major embarrassment, and scar mark removal face wash would be a remedial course of action. But as far as the scars of the legs are concerned, you can plan out a series of remedies by opting for medical treatments.

Steroid injections

To treat keloid scars steroid injections are a remedial measure which otherwise would be fairly difficult to remove. It is directly injected on to the skin near the scar and you need to figure out that it is not a one – time process but a recurring one. Though the treatment has a higher degree of success it is a costly one and can cause discolouration in the region around the scars. Discuss with your cosmetic surgeon on whether this works out to be the best course of treatment for you or not.

Collagen or other fillers

To remove indented scars collagen injections or other fillers would work out well. Collagen as the name suggests is a natural animal protein and is injected on to the skin with needles. The result of this treatment is effective as collagen is not permanent because the body is expected to absorb collagen. After around 4 months you might have to get the scar refilled. This treatment being on the costly side, opting for this treatment would prove to burn a hole in your pocket. Before you are going to receive collagen injections there is a possibility that you might have to appear for skin tests. This is going to determine whether you are not allergic to any form of treatment or not.

Chemical peel

Chemical peel is an effective remedy to treat scarring on the legs. For the scars which cause hyperpigmentation this works best. During this treatment the dermatologist is going to be applying a layer of acidic solution to the affected scar and go on to leave it for a couple of minutes. A burning sensation is going to be experienced showcasing the fact that the acid has neutralized and then wash off the solution. In the weeks leading up a couple of layers is expected to be peeled off. It all depends upon the type of scarring as you would have to go through a series of chemical treatments. No scars facewash also suggest the use of chemical peels.

Laser treatment

For removal of deep scars and not the ones targeted by chemical peels, laser treatment works out to be the best.  In this treatment the scar tissue is burnt paving way for fresh skin to grow and remove the scarred region. Before this procedure a special cream is applied on the affected region, meaning that the treatment is not that painful. One more benefit of this treatment is that laser can pinpoint to the scar in an exact manner and at the same time the surround regions are not affected in any way.

To sum it up these are some of the effective ways to treat scars by chemical methods.

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