How to Recover Fast after ACL Reconstruction Surgery

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery repairs your torn ACL within your knee. The surgery itself does not take too long. You may even return home on that day. However, recovery takes time.

To achieve fast but sure recovery, you need the best physical therapy for pain in front of the knee. Follow the below tips to ensure quick and effective recovery:

Control the Pain

Experiencing pain is common after surgery. However, higher pain levels do not allow you to perform the required physical therapy exercises after ACL reconstruction surgery. Generally, your doctor recommends painkillers to reduce the pain.

Even simple painkillers such as anti-inflammatories can help to relieve the pain. Take your painkillers according to the dosage your doctor prescribes. You can then focus on physical recovery and rehabilitation.

Reduce any Swelling

You may feel swelling around your knee after an ACL surgery. It turns your joints stiff and prevents your muscles from moving freely. You can treat swelling with enough rest and by icing your knee. Additionally, elevating the leg may also help.

If the swelling persists, consider using compression. Wrap a compression sleeve around your knee. You can use it till the swelling reduces. It may take a few weeks as well.

Try to Straighten Your Knee

It is essential to achieve a straight knee after ACL surgery. However, do not try it by yourself. Start by controlling your pain and reducing the swelling. The best physical therapy for pain in front of the knee helps in straightening your knee.

Your physical therapist may advise you to perform extension stretching exercises. You may have to do it frequently every day. While sitting or lying down, straighten your leg and place the heel upon a pillow. Gently try to keep your knee straight. Hold the position for a while.

It can take weeks to straighten your knee completely. Analyze your progress each week.

Strengthen the Knee

It is crucial to building strength within your knee. It allows you to prevent any ACL injuries in the future. A few physical therapy exercises after ACL reconstruction surgery can help in strengthening your knee.

A physical therapist will assess your condition and recommend the best knee strengthening exercises. It can include half-squats, partial-lunges, and leg presses. Gradually, your knee stabilizes. Make sure not to overdo it. Follow the instructions and techniques of the physical therapist.

It takes a few weeks to recover from an ACL reconstruction surgery. You can work on a recovery regime for quick healing. Make sure to take your medications and perform the right physical therapy exercises.


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