Got Blackheads? Here’s What’s Causing Them

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A common skin problem both men and women face are blackheads. Since everyone has pores, they are susceptible to getting blackheads. Although there are many factors that contribute to its development, such as genes, skin type, lifestyle, etc., nobody can deny how difficult it is to get rid of them. This may be a common and normal skin problem, but it can also affect a person’s self-esteem.

Blackheads, like any other skin blemish, can be easily covered up with makeup. But that’s just a temporary fix. At the end of the day, the problem still persists. The best and more permanent way to get rid of them is by changing or correcting skincare practices.

What Are Blackheads?

If you didn’t know yet, blackheads are the small dark bumps that sit on the pores. Blackheads are a result of obstructed hair follicles. They mainly appear on the face especially on the nose, but they can also present on the back, arms, neck, and other parts of the body.

They can be a nuisance, and it’s tempting to squeeze them out of your pores yourself. However, this isn’t the best method in the long run. This may cause your skin to scar, and even expose it to bacteria. Instead of taking matters into your own hands this way, learn how this can be properly treated and prevented. A good place to start is knowing what causes blackheads.

What Causes Blackheads?

When a clog forms in the opening of the skin’s hair follicles, blackheads may develop. Each follicle has one hair and an oil-producing sebaceous gland. The follicle’s entrance collects dead skin cells and excess oil, resulting in a bump. The bump is called a whitehead if the skin over it remains closed. When the skin over the bump opens, the plug turns black due to the air exposure, causing a blackhead. Other causes include overproduction of oil, bacteria buildup, hormonal changes, or certain medications.

How To Get Rid of Blackheads

When treating blackheads, the best route is to do it gently and with the right tools and techniques. Seeking spa and beauty treatments for this is an option too. This will get rid of them while avoiding permanent scarring in the process. The process will require patience and consistency before seeing results.

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is popular among skincare enthusiasts and regular people alike. Products with this ingredient are accessible in your local drugstore, and many claim it to be effective too. Before dead skin cells and oil can clog your pores, it breaks them down so your pores are free. Salicylic acid products range from 0.5% to 5% in strength. Some people’s skin may be sensitive to acid. To see how your skin reacts, try putting it on every other day rather than every day.


Retinoids can help prevent the clogging of pores which eventually leads to blackheads. It also speeds up your skin’s cell regeneration, which can help minimize the lifespan of any blemish on the face. It’s useful for ensuring that dead skin cells don’t gather inside the pores. It also aids in the prevention of acne breakouts and reduces the likelihood of scarring. However, retinoids and other acne creams are mostly prescribed by a doctor. If you’re thinking of getting open for yourself, see a doctor for further information and instructions.

Avoid Using Too Much Product

Contrary to what many people might believe, applying too much moisturizer, serums, and more is harmful to the skin. Applying more than needed doesn’t guarantee that a product will be given off twice the benefits that it offers. It will simply give too much product than what the skin is able to absorb and clog up the pores. Similar can be experienced with products that are too oily or creamy. These may clog pores and worsen blackheads.

Exfoliate Weekly

Since one cause of blackheads are dead skin cells, be sure to exfoliate weekly. With an exfoliation product of your choice, gently massage into the skin in a circular motion. Since the beads will be doing the scrubbing, there’s no need for extra force on the skin. Avoid doing this in areas with inflammation.

Although blackheads can affect both a person’s skin and confidence, it’s a skin problem that’s fixable. With patience, time, the right skincare techniques and products, anyone can be equipped to combat blackheads. Keep in mind that other than products applied on the skin, internal factors such as hormones, diet, medication, and the like play a role too. For a more medical or holistic solution consider consulting a professional or a dermatologist for expert advice.

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