Communication Do’s And Don’ts At Work

The Fordham Company
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Effective and good communication in the workplace is a must and should be observed at all times. However, that’s not how it always is. As much as we hope to keep your conversations straightforward, that just doesn’t happen since you deal with different people with different personalities all the time at work.

It’s highly recommended as it is important to practice a healthy communication in the workplace for it increases productivity and keep the company in good condition. There will always be differences in the workplace. That’s normal and the reality. To help you be a better communicator at work, here are some tips to improve your communication habits:

Don’t interrupt

It’s simple and a no-brainer: when somebody’s speaking, listen and don’t cut to the discussion. That’s just disrespectful. How would you feel if you’re in the middle of a discussion and you suddenly got interrupted? Your time will come when it’s your turn to speak.

The speaker wants to be heard and they want you to understand what their story, point, or discussion is about. This will help build a good foundation between the listener and speaker.

Do actively listen

Staring at the speaker as if to show you’re listening when in fact your mind is floating elsewhere doesn’t show respect. It’s just as bad as interrupting.

Listen to your co-worker when they’re talking—not just listen willy-nilly, actively listen. Don’t just listen so you’ll have something to say in return, listen to understand what they’re trying to stay. If it means putting your phone away for a moment to actively listen, do so.

Don’t use email for urgent communication matters

Communication comes in different forms one of which is digital—in workplaces, it’s commonly and mostly done thru email. Since it qualifies for documentation purposes, some employees resort to sending an email a subject that can otherwise be discussed better in person especially if it’s important and urgent.

Have the awareness that not all employees or your co-workers check their email accounts every 5 minutes. Albeit you can address a matter quicker via mobile communication, some workplaces have strict policies regarding phones during office hours. So if you really have something urgent to report and need it delivered immediately, talk to the person face-to-face to have it dealt with in a snap.

Don’t be too self-absorbed

Small talks and a few personal stories are great starting conversations. However, pick an appropriate time and place to share those stories with your co-workers. Not everyone has the time and are interested to know about your healthy meal plans, weekend escapade, and movie thoughts when they’re hard at work.

In addition to that, share the floor with them. After all, communication is a two-way street. Avoid being too self-absorbed that you forget to stop talking and let others have the light. Listen to their stories as much as they listened to yours.

For managers and team leaders, on the other hand, make it a habit to start your collaboration or brainstorming with “We” rather that “I”. You are working with a team and you all work hard together, don’t dismiss their efforts for our own personal gain. Let each and everyone be heard and credited for their hard work.

Do ask for feedbacks

Don’t be afraid to ask for criticism about your work performance, a little goes a long way. In fact, employers or managers appreciate employees who ask for feedbacks and are eager to better their work habits and overall performance.

Stretch this far more to your clients or customers. Know your strengths and don’t be afraid to deal with your weaknesses. Criticisms, negative or positive, are important in your career. It’s what makes you work the way you do and let you improve on your little hiccups. Knowing where your weak at allows you to work on that and even get help from your team.

Got more communication do’s and don’ts you mind sharing? Leave your thoughts below!

About the author: Chie Suarez is a resident writer for The Fordham Company, one of Australia’s top celebrity management companies and a major celebrity speakers bureau. Chie Suarez provides tips and hacks in personal and career development for those who are afraid to step out of their safe zones.

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