15 Penny-Saving Tips for Frugal Living


Saying you’re going to save money and avoid your overspending habit is easier said than done. If you’ve been accustomed to living a lavish lifestyle: frequent traveling, dining in restaurants, shells out big on movies and entertainment, and the likes, living frugally would require you to do a complete lifestyle change.

Being frugal can be really handy comes unexpected emergencies or unexpected bills, your $100 cut down from your food allowance is a huge contribution to your savings/emergency funds. The practice of spending less and saving more is a huge aid not only to your pocket but to your well-being as well. More stable finances = less financial stress.

If you’re sick of wasting money away, here are a few useful tips and ideas from fellow cheapskates you can apply to starting up your frugal lifestyle.

  1. Take public transportation. Gas, toll fees and parking passes can be quite hefty especially if you use your vehicle to work every single day (plus, your weekend trips). If you want to cut big in expenses, try taking public transit to work every once in a while. It doesn’t have to be your primary means of going to work, a good twice a week of public transportation will save you big in the long run.
  2. Carpooling. If you know someone who works near the same area as you do, a colleague who lives near you or a friend who needs a comfortable ride to work, it could be a good way to save a little by splitting the gas and toll expenses.
  3. Bag your lunch. Instead of eating out for lunch, cook your own meals and pack it for lunch at work. Not only will you be able to save big, but also eat healthier than the foods in fast food chains or restaurants.
  4. Get your hands on those coupons. Couponing is a great technique to save money, albeit should be kept in moderation otherwise, you might go overboard and overspend—which is what you’re trying to avoid. Do your research and learn more about couponing, you can save hundreds of dollars in groceries and shopping with it!
  5. Wash your dishes by hand. If you only have fewer than a handful of dirty dishes sitting on your sink, you could opt to wash them by hand instead of running the dishwasher. Save water as you wash, you’ll never know how much it saves you.
  6. Line up your laundry. Drying up your clothes on a line seems like an old-age laundry routine since you now have a dryer. However, you should know that you can save up hundreds of dollars annually if you skip the dryer, and hang your clothes instead.
    Besides, you have a hanging rack in the apartment or a huge yard, don’t waste the space. If you’re not in a hurry anyway to dry up your laundry, it’s a great energy- and money-saving option.
  7. Skip the gym membership. If you’re one to hit the gym three or more times a week, your gym membership could be worth it. But if you rarely visit the gym, skip the membership and run instead. Staying fit can be frugal, too. In addition, there are a lot of exercise or workout videos up on Youtube you can follow (some doesn’t even require any tools). See, you can enjoy burning calories by running outside or working out at home.
  8. Leave your credit or debit cards at home. Credit cards are not the root of circulating debts; it can be beneficial to you so long as used purposely and with good intentions. Credit cards are convenient as it makes purchasing swift. But the problem with its ease results in credit card holders to buy more than they can afford. If you’re the one who seem to find it hard controlling your buying habits with credit cards, here’s the solution . . .
  9. Pay with cash. . . . always use and take cash with you—leave your credit or debit cards at home. This way you can prevent going over your budget especially when you’re shopping at a mall. Having a breakdown of your remaining money for the day/week will remind you how much you’re spending and when you need to spend less and make wise purchases.
  10. Always make a shopping list. Have you ever experienced running to the grocery store only to buy butter but end up checking out some milk, fruits, cereal, chocolate bar, and several other items? This usually happens. Make a list of what you need and only keep your head on the list. No shortcuts to the snack aisle.
  11. Save energy. Whenever you’re leaving for work, make sure to unplug everything. As mentioned previously, lining clothes and skipping the dishwasher to hand-wash the dishes are great energy-saving acts. Also, don’t forget to turn off the lights when no one’s in the room!
  12. Vinegar for almost everything. Vinegar is the key to almost everything! You can use it for hair treatment, stain remover, fabric softener, rust cleaner, fridge cleaner, dishwasher cleaner, window cleaner, and a whole lot of others! Just look it up on the web and you’ll get a handful of useful ways to use vinegar for everything.
  13. Eat out less. One of the things that eats up a chunk of our budget is eating out. It’s a simple treat to yourself but doing so frequently is no longer a treat. Restaurants are expensive; fast-food, too, if that’s your go-to lunch at work. It’s ultimately cheaper to cook your own food and prepare your own meals for work. Plus, prepping your own meals serve great for your health.
  14. Limit your entertainment needs. Chances are, you spend big on entertainment costs. Going to the movies can be pricey, as well as going to bars. You can find other entertainment alternatives that are less costly such as going on museums, renting out a DVD, hanging out at home with friends instead of spending the night out, etc.
  15. Give every dollar a job. Track your spending. Create a run-down of your expenses and for each penny you have, give it a home. For instance, allot $200 for rent and utility bills, $100 for your food allowance, etc. You grasp the idea? By doing so, each dollar has its job to fulfill your food allowance or savings fund. No more spontaneous purchases and impulse decisions; time to make smart choices to spend less and save more.

What other frugal living tips do you know? Share it with us!

About Chie Suarez

Chie Suarez has spent time figuring out ways on saving money and stepping away from her go-to retail stores. She then became a writer for Speedy Money which offers hassle-free loans services.

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